Suzhou start the lightning detection of meteorological observation field chamber
Recently, contrary to the situation of more Spring lightning in Suzhou, Suzhou City Lightning Protection Center's technical staff of field observation stations room lightning facilities to conduct a comprehensive and detailed testing.
Lightning protection technology engineer in accordance with the relevant regulatory requirements, wind tower, a new automatic station collector, visibility logger, thermometer screen, observation field fence, duty room, computer room, network and automatically stops GPS / MET and other lightning equipment for testing to ensure compliance with lightning protection device specification for the normal conduct of business throughout the year meteorological observations provide a solid guarantee.
For more news and events on surge protective device, please pay attention to our official
Feb. 29, 2016
Lightning protection technology engineer in accordance with the relevant regulatory requirements, wind tower, a new automatic station collector, visibility logger, thermometer screen, observation field fence, duty room, computer room, network and automatically stops GPS / MET and other lightning equipment for testing to ensure compliance with lightning protection device specification for the normal conduct of business throughout the year meteorological observations provide a solid guarantee.
For more news and events on surge protective device, please pay attention to our official
Feb. 29, 2016